About Conference

TeleGroup Infosec 

For the 13th time, Infosec gathers experts from the information security industry, businesses, academia, as well as government and regulatory representatives. It provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices in the field of information security, with a focus on current trends, challenges, and solutions.

Through lectures, panel discussions, workshops, and fireside chats, renowned experts in the field of information security will share and impart their knowledge and practical experience. Conference participants will gain insights into the latest technologies, methods, and strategies for safeguarding information systems.

The Infosec conference is organized by TeleGroup and represents one of the first significant cybersecurity events in the region since 2011. As a technology company specializing in developing and implementing IT solutions and infrastructure engineering, TeleGroup is dedicated to promoting and enhancing the security of information systems in the region.

Strengthening Cybersecurity Together: Join Us at Infosec Conference.